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来源:http://www.jnzyjz.cn/ 发布时间:2022-02-23

1. Who is the target audience of your future website?
例如,如果您要创建一个新颖的Flash网站或带有3D 动画的网站,这可能会给来自Internet和通用网络质量和可访问性仍然存在问题的地区的观众造成困难用户的技术设备水平。或者,例如,如果您的目标受众是与年龄相关的用户,请不要以过于明亮和非标准的网站设计来吓them他们,等等。
For example, if you want to create a novel flash website or a website with 3D animation, it may cause difficulties for viewers from areas where the quality and accessibility of the Internet and general network are still problematic. Users' technical equipment level. Or, for example, if your target audience is age-related users, please don't scare them with too bright and non-standard website design, etc.
2. What is the purpose of the website?
In most cases, the task of commercial websites is to sell, but, for example, in the field of mass media, the image influence of your website is equally important. Therefore, the principles for creating a website may be fundamentally different depending on the main objectives.
3. What loads will the website be designed for?
At this stage, you need to estimate the maximum website traffic. If this is difficult to do, study competitors in open source or search queries.
4. How will the website be updated?
At the stage of creating the website, it is important to consider the possibility of subsequent updates.
5. How to establish website promotion?另外,即使在网站开发阶段,也要考虑进一步推广。这将使您能够正确地处理网站内容的开发。使用内容相关广告 “运行”搜索查询将非常有用 。这种方法将有助于仅关注针对上下文广告测试的有效搜索查询。
In addition, even in the stage of website development, further promotion should be considered. This will enable you to properly handle the development of website content. It is useful to "run" search queries using content related advertisements. This approach will help focus only on effective search queries for contextual advertising testing.
6. 选择哪个CMS,为什么选择?
6. Which CMS to choose and why?
Even in the planning stage of website development, the problem of selecting CMS website (so-called "engine" or content management system) is also one of the key problems. There are two main criteria here: meeting the objectives of the website and the simplicity and intuitive ease of use of the management interface.