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来源:http://www.jnzyjz.cn/ 发布时间:2022-05-15

Website construction has a long history. Most people are aware of this business opportunity and choose to build websites to promote products and services and improve the popularity and influence of enterprises. So let's talk about the problems to avoid when building the station and how to test after building the station.
What is the purpose of our website? If you just put a few products casually, how about the effect? To understand who the target users are and what the functional requirements of the website are. Demand will not have much impact. Second, different functions have different requirements for different prices.
Of course, from the perspective of customers, they naturally want a website with complete structure and powerful functions, but such websites are often expensive. Unreasonable is to over correct.
In addition, it is the daily maintenance work. After the website is built, laissez faire is absolutely impossible. It needs some updating and maintenance. Making some external and internal links can promote the inclusiveness of the website and have a positive impact.
After the website is built successfully, it needs to be tested before it can go online. Jinan website construction personnel remind you that the specific debugging and inspection methods can start from the following points:
Function test: the functions include background function, website front-end click, etc. the website background click module needs to be executed normally, and there may be no click and no response.
Content editing and publishing function test; If the front desk clicks on each page, whether 404 appears and whether the link jump is normal, a simple website is OK.
Whether the font and code are garbled, and whether the background and picture are deformed.
The problems to be avoided and the test contents will be explained here. In fact, if you find a reliable network company to help, there will be fewer problems. You can pay attention to our website www.jnzyjz.com Cn, a professional website for many years, has many years of experience and a number of successful cases.